1. On a Dress Stand
Dress stands are great thing to have around the house because not only can you design from them but you can put all sorts on them! I always used to fantasise that I would have one in my room for playing about with outfits on (and still would really like one!) So if you have one at home, dress it up in your cutest knickers! Or find one on eBay or perhaps an antique shop.
2. In a Vintage Suitcase/Trunk
I know this is a picture of fabric sewing stuff but why not put your lingerie in it instead?! You could neatly line up your bras in the main body of the suitcase whilst putting little knickers safely in the pockets, and maybe a pocket just for stockings! You could divide the areas too if you like just with cardboard (in a cute colour of course!). Again you can find these suitcases in charity shops/thift stores and car boot sales.
3. On your wall
I love this idea for vintage lingerie! It's something I always look at and find beautiful but it's rarely in my size, so I think I should just buy it anyway for a cute display! I love hanging clothes on the wall, right now I have a pair of turquoise sequinned shorts on mine, it looks so cute. You can hang these with small nails or the tiny white hooks you get from pretty much anywhere.
4. On a cake stand
This is a picture from Playful Promises' boutique! Such a lovely idea. I love cakes but I love knickers even more! If you're looking for a cake stand check out antique shops for pretty vintage ones. I think this would look even more amazing with lacy garters and pasties on them!
5. Neatly in a drawer!
If you don't want to turn your home into a lingerie boutique then just pay special attention to your lingerie drawer! This puts mine to shame of how untidy it is at the moment! I love the neatly arranged bras. To make your drawer even more lovely buy sheets of paper that are scented for drawers, or even line it with some pretty fabric and make your own drawer scents (you can probably find an easy tutorial somewhere) or you can buy them in places like M&S or La Senza!
Toots xoxo
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