
Tuesday, 23 October 2012

High Street V Luxury or Independent Lingerie Brands

For a long time I've been a great advocate for high street lingerie... think of me as the Gok Wan of the lingerie blog world (but really I'd rather you didn't). It's reasonably priced, okay quality for what you are paying for and also very fashionable. But what happens when the high street brands begin to "take inspiration" from our favourite lingerie brands, who put so much time into designing a garment?

ASOS Boudoir
Nearer The Moon

Did you know it only takes around two hours for a high street shop to make a suit, from design to finished product? This is what we call "fast fashion". Most independent brands who aren't on the high street have maybe only 2-4 collections a year, whereas a high street shop can have new items coming into stock maybe every week. This is why things like this happen; because of the huge turnover and mass-made items it's easy to see a design, duplicate it with some differences and get it into the shops within the next fortnight. In a high street brand, the designers never stop scribbling new ideas because as soon as a new collection goes out, another has to be completed.

Playful Promises

But is it just coincidental? Or are the big brands really scouring the little people for new ideas? It's hard to prove things like this unless the design is identical, which it usually isn't. People usually shy away from suing big companies too because the money they will get out of it is just pocket change to the brand, and it will usually cost the smaller brand a lot to make that claim as it is. It's not worth the losses, and above all people will always be loyal to the brands they admire. A lot of brands who have experienced this take it on the chin and say "imitation is the highest form of flattery".

Dirty Pretty Things
H&M (taken on phone)

However, to look at the other side of the argument, in what way can we benefit from high street designers producing similar products to lingerie brands? Well, the obvious one is that if you can't afford the luxury lingerie item you wanted and you want a similar look for a smaller price, you can pop in to your local town and purchase it without being too hard out of pocket. However, you have to sacrifice the longer lifespan of the product, the fit, quality of fabrics and the reassurance of having something well-made (responsibly).
Fleur of England

But what can you do if you would rather support the brand? Well the answer is simple; always be loyal to the independent brands! Although you may have to fork out more for the product, you are buying into a garment that will last a longer time, will fit the curves of your body, and feel great. And let's face it... you can't put a price on feeling amazing in something!

H&M (taken on phone)
I for one still think that the high street is a great alternative to luxury lingerie if you don't have the cash, but I would never (knowingly) buy something that is a duplicate due to my duty as a lingerie aficionado! I've seen so many original designs in high street lingerie shops and also some of them have lasted ages for me and the fit is great! So don't be entirely put off because of a couple of copycats. I try to keep a mixture of both high street lingerie and luxury/independent brand lingerie in my drawers because sometimes I need a quick undie fix but also I like to have things that are special and beautifully made.

Ann Summers
Marika Vera
So what is your opinion on these "duplicates"? Would you buy them? Do you prefer to buy underwear in large quantities for a smaller price or do you prefer to buy one set for a bigger price?

Toots xox

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  1. I've got another one for the Topshop "beauty":
    it's a blatant Fräulein Annie copy :(

    Frauke from Fräulein Annie gave an interview about indie designers and knock offs:
    (click on the flag for english version)

    I noticed a LOT of knock offs the last few months. It's rather depressing :(

    And thank you for the H&M - Damaris Connection, I've been wondering what that reminds me of.

    xoxo denocte

    1. Oh yes, that's the one I meant to use but I couldn't remember where I saw it!!

      Thanks for the link too :)

      I know it's really frustrating when you've followed the brands for so long and seen the work they put into it, and then see their designs being ripped off :(

      No problem!!


  2. This happens all the time and it's been going on for ages. Just take the Oscars for example, they steal the designs as soon as they see them on TV because they know the public want cheap knockoffs (these days your average person can't fit in to a size 0 or pay thousands of a dress).

    I'm a designer myself (jewelry and accessories) and I get my designs stolen ever so often and someone else makes a large profit on it.
    It's super frustrating but I know I can't to shit about it.

    I myself prefer to buy vintage lingerie or make stuff myself so I really don't have a saying in this lingerie matter but I do believe that if you got the money and can afford to buy whatever you want and care for quality I doubt they spent their cash at H&M.
    (If I had the money I would support the smaller companies.)
    For us on a shoe string budget it's the only option.

    1. Oh absolutely, that's what I mean about fast fashion, it's seen right there and they can have it in production in a couple of hours!!

      Absolutely, I would never expect that people would go to "luxury" companies to spend money on lingerie if they didn't have the money, which is why I've always been adamant that high street lingerie may not be as good but there's still a great range, you don't have to be out of pocket just for a bra!! I would encourage people however who do have the money to go for a smaller brand :)

  3. I'm still in college, so splurging on luxury lingerie really isn't an option. But still, I've reached a point where I have enough regular and pretty bras to satisfy my needs for some time, so right now I'd rather save (even if it takes a long time!) and buy just one luxury lingerie set than any more cheap underwear. It may not be Bordelle (prices like 500€ scare the living daylights out of me!), but maybe a set by Kiss Me Deadly or maybe just a bra by Fleur of England. It'll hurt as the money goes out of my pocket but I'm 100% sure that I would be happier (actually, ecstatic would probably be the appropriate word) when I finally get to wear it. There are probably a lot of brands that exaggerate on the price they ask for the quality they offer, but if a brand is worth it, then it's worth the splurge!

    1. It's the same for myself at the moment! I'm trying not to spend so much on high street lingerie and save up for more expensive brands because I know they will last longer and I will love them more. I usually wait until the sales come round or I find them discounted some how! I know, I love Bordelle so the price absolutely kills me!

  4. I don't know the brand names well enough to know which of your examples are the originals and which are the "high street".

    1. Hiya, sorry I should have specified!

      High Street in this post:
      Ann Summers

      Marika Vera
      Fleur of England
      Dirty Pretty Things
      Playful Promises
      Nearer the Moon

  5. Think the likeness between the last Topshop bra and Fraulein Annie Falling in Love Blush Bra is more uncanny.

    1. Oh thank you, I knew there was one that looked more like it but I could not remember it for the life of me! I was looking for it for ages :/



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